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Top Level :: Benchmarking :: datadog_trace :: 0.11.0

datadog_trace 0.11.0

Package Information
Summary APM and distributed tracing for PHP
Maintainers Joe Watkins (lead) [details]
Alejandro Estringana Ruiz (lead) [details]
Luca Abbati < luca dot abbati at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Levi Morrison < levim at php dot net > (lead) [details]
Bob Weinand < bobwei9 at hotmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Anil Mahtani (lead) [details]
Pierre Bonet (lead) [details]
Florian Engelhardt (lead) [details]
License BSD 3-Clause
Description The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.
Homepage https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/languages/php/
Release notes
Version 0.11.0

This change should not impact most of the users as starting from `0.10.0` it is not required (and not recommended) to
manually set the transport. `DDtrace\Transport\Http` no longer accepts a logger as the second argument as it uses
the globally registered logger. If you are using the `Http` class, just remove the second argument from the constructor

### Added
- Support for guzzle 6 #254
- Configurable Sampler #260
- Debug mode for logging #261
- Support for symfony 3.3 #266 and #243
- Build php 5.4 extension locally #267
- Basic tracing for unsupported and custom frameworks #264

### Fixed
- Composer PHP compatibility declaration #247
- Release notes for PECL and fix type-os in CHANGELOG #248
- Add missing files to PECL releases #252
- PHP 5.4 installation and build #255
- Trigger of autoloader un-tracing did not respect object #256
- docker-compose based packages verification #257
- Incorrect tar command in one-liner example from getting_started.md #258 - thanks @danielkay
- Auto-instrumentation in Symfony 3.4 and PHP 5.6 #262
- Type-o in command to install .deb packages #263

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Dependencies for release 0.11.0
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