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Top Level :: Database :: mongo :: 1.5.0

mongo 1.5.0

This package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded by mongodb.
Package Information
Summary MongoDB database driver
Maintainers Jeremy Mikola (lead) [details]
Derick Rethans < derick at php dot net > (lead) [wishlist] [details]
Hannes Magnusson < bjori at php dot net > (lead) [details]
License Apache License
Description This package provides an interface for communicating with the MongoDB database in PHP.
Homepage http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/php/
Release notes
Version 1.5.0
** Bug
* [PHP-722] - Segfault when passing null value to MongoCollection::find() and unclear other conditions are met, inaccurate error message
* [PHP-796] - Modifying MongoDate internal properties evilness
* [PHP-813] - IS_SCALAR_*() doesn't account for resources
* [PHP-815] - MongoCursor ctor doesn't validate the MongoClient object
* [PHP-833] - Add the MongoClient::killCursor method to kill a cursor on the server on 64-bit platforms
* [PHP-835] - Driver interprets 'err' property as MongoCursorException
* [PHP-848] - Invalid read in master
* [PHP-882] - mongo_connection_get_server_version memleaks
* [PHP-883] - php_mongo_dbref_create() doesn't handle MongoId values
* [PHP-888] - DBRef refactoring broke BC for $id parameter handling
* [PHP-900] - Cannot switch from majority to lower WriteConcern
* [PHP-902] - Segfault when unregistering broken server
* [PHP-949] - ensureIndex() creates wrong names
* [PHP-955] - Switch the default mongo.native_long to 1 for 64bit platforms
* [PHP-981] - Empty document should not throw exception
* [PHP-995] - JSON detection
* [PHP-996] - Broken with cyrus-sals 2.1.23
* [PHP-1010] - MongoCollection::commandCursor should not require batchSize option to be set manually
* [PHP-1011] - MongoDB and MongoCollection do not inherit string write concerns
* [PHP-1012] - MongoCollection doesn't respect its own write concern for GLE ops
* [PHP-1013] - Read preferences are not respected with command cursors
* [PHP-1019] - Empty Batch Insert should throw exception
* [PHP-1027] - Support maxTimeMS and exceptions in MongoCollection::group()
* [PHP-1034] - Ensure MongoCommandCursor implements Iterator interface properly
* [PHP-1037] - add allowDiskUse:true to the top-level of an aggregate command
* [PHP-1038] - Segfault in php_mongo_enforce_batch_size_on_command()
* [PHP-1041] - Off-by-one error in MongoCommandCursor::key() index
* [PHP-1046] - Command cursor doesn't check if cursor exists
* [PHP-1047] - Index order can't be boolean
* [PHP-1048] - Segfault during shutdown after mongodb failover
* [PHP-1049] - MongoCollection::aggregateCursor batch size defaults should be: 101, 0 (server default)
* [PHP-1050] - MongoCommandCursor->dead() changes

** Improvement
* [PHP-578] - No need to call ismaster 2times
* [PHP-705] - Throw exception when overflowing message size in OP_INSERT batches
* [PHP-708] - WriteConcern failure exception should include the entire GLE document
* [PHP-712] - findAndModify returns empty array when nothing is found
* [PHP-774] - Deprecate the protected method MongoCollection::toIndexString
* [PHP-778] - Deprecate static properties
* [PHP-807] - Rewrite to_index_string to use smart_str and a real C function
* [PHP-812] - Remove unused MongoDBRef::$refKey and MongoDBRef::$idKey
* [PHP-837] - Handle cursor IDs for return with MongoCursor::info on 32bit platforms
* [PHP-851] - Add MONGO_HAVE_* constants and make sure MINFO contains this too
* [PHP-880] - New write operation method for insert, update, remove
* [PHP-886] - Add support for secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS
* [PHP-903] - Improve the Stream Notification API
* [PHP-938] - please update description of 'fsync' write concern flag
* [PHP-941] - Throw MongoConnectionException on stream failures
* [PHP-942] - Throw MongoDuplicateKeyException on duplicate key errors
* [PHP-971] - Remove mongo.native_long for 32bit platforms
* [PHP-972] - Support parallelCollectionScan command
* [PHP-990] - Implement Batch Write API
* [PHP-998] - Include maxWriteBatchSize and maxMessageSizeBytes in connection info
* [PHP-1021] - Support maxTimeMS option on MongoCollection::findOne()
* [PHP-1026] - Include connection info in findAndModify exception messages
* [PHP-1028] - Support $options arg in MongoCollection::aggregate()
* [PHP-1039] - Use dropIndexes command instead of deleteIndexes

** New Feature
* [PHP-819] - Add Mongo[DB|Collection]->[get|set]WriteConcern()
* [PHP-831] - SASL Support (SASL Plain)
* [PHP-832] - SASL Support (SASL Kerberos)
* [PHP-861] - Add maxTimeMS() method to MongoCursor to configure the maximum time a query can take
* [PHP-868] - Method to check if string is a valid ObjectId
* [PHP-873] - Support the MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanism
* [PHP-875] - Add support for cursor for aggregation
* [PHP-876] - Make the driver check for the server version upon connection
* [PHP-923] - Drivers should only talk to servers with overlapping wire versions
* [PHP-944] - Support $out aggregation pipeline operator
* [PHP-951] - Provide API for getting latest server version or isMaster response in driver
* [PHP-962] - Create constants for additional binary data subtypes
* [PHP-965] - Documentation for MongoId::isValid()
* [PHP-1031] - Implement MongoWriteBatch method to return current batch size
* [PHP-1035] - Add third arg to MongoDB::command() to collect server hash by reference

** Task
* [PHP-407] - MongoBinData should default to type 0 instead of 2
* [PHP-657] - Add deprecation notice to MongoCursor::slaveOkay
* [PHP-714] - Convenience macro for getting mongoclient*
* [PHP-739] - Audit extension for deprecations of functionality to be removed in 1.5
* [PHP-786] - Sort out includes
* [PHP-809] - Deprecate use of "safe" all over collection.c
* [PHP-842] - Document core class [get|set]WriteConcern() methods
* [PHP-844] - driver must authenticate before calling isMaster()
* [PHP-845] - Ability to use different SPN on the driver for Kerberos Authentication
* [PHP-914] - aggregation: need an explain facility
* [PHP-960] - Use createIndexes command when available
* [PHP-983] - Change nUpdated to nMatched in bulk api results
* [PHP-987] - Use maxWriteBatchSize from ismaster for write command batch splitting.
* [PHP-1006] - Document deprecation of MongoCollection::ensureIndex()
* [PHP-1007] - Add MongoClient->[get|set]WriteConcern()
* [PHP-1015] - Document MongoWriteBatch and related classes
* [PHP-1016] - Document MongoCollection:createIndex()
* [PHP-1022] - Create MongoCollection::aggregateCursor() method
* [PHP-1030] - gridfs chunksize should be lowered to 255K
* [PHP-1033] - Organize third-party code and license information
* [PHP-1040] - MongoCommandCursor::key() should not return _id field

** Sub-task
* [PHP-763] - Create prototypes for MongoClient and Mongo classes
* [PHP-794] - Remove 'fd' property of MongoCursorException
* [PHP-797] - Deprecate public properties
* [PHP-798] - Rename "timeout" to "socketTimeoutMS" in $options
* [PHP-804] - Deprecate Mongo::connectUtil
* [PHP-818] - Deprecate "Mongo" in favour of MongoClient.
* [PHP-824] - Deprecate the "wtimeout" option in crud operations for wTimeoutMS
* [PHP-993] - Merge batch return values into one return value

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