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Top Level :: Benchmarking :: datadog_trace :: 0.96.0

datadog_trace 0.96.0

Package Information
Summary APM and distributed tracing for PHP
Maintainers Joe Watkins (lead) [details]
Alejandro Estringana Ruiz (lead) [details]
Luca Abbati < luca dot abbati at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Levi Morrison < levim at php dot net > (lead) [details]
Bob Weinand < bobwei9 at hotmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Anil Mahtani (lead) [details]
Pierre Bonet (lead) [details]
Florian Engelhardt (lead) [details]
License BSD 3-Clause
Description The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.
Homepage https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/languages/php/
Release notes
Version 0.96.0
Exception profiling is now enabled by default. You can manage it using the `DD_PROFILING_EXCEPTION_ENABLED` environment variable or the `datadog.profiling.exception_enabled` setting in the INI file. Although the `DD_PROFILING_EXPERIMENTAL_EXCEPTION_ENABLED` environment variable and `datadog.profiling.experimental_exception_enabled` INI setting still work, the new ones take precedence.

## Tracer

### Added
- Implement extended sampling #2384

### Fixed
- Add PHP 8.3 to supported versions #2417 (thank you @markwalet)
- OTel: Fix analytics.event override (#2409)
- Fix dddbs service mapping #2413
- WordPress: Avoid Setting User ID When Unauthenticated #2424

### Internal Changes
- CI: Handle latest Alpine 3.19 image #2418
- CI: Complements PHP 8.3 test suites #2419

## Profiling

### Added
- GA exception profiling #2403
- allow enabling all experimental features using `datadog.profiling.experimental_features_enabled` #2385

### Internal Changes
- run prof-correctness nightly in `master` branch #2420

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Dependencies for release 0.96.0
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