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Top Level :: File Formats :: yaml :: 2.2.4

yaml 2.2.4

Package Information
Summary YAML-1.1 parser and emitter
Maintainers Bryan Davis < bd808 at php dot net > (lead) [details]
License MIT
Description Support for YAML 1.1 (YAML Ain't Markup Language) serialization using the
LibYAML library.
Homepage http://bd808.com/pecl-file_formats-yaml/
Release notes
Version 2.2.4
Bugs Fixed:
- #85: PHP 8.4.0 beta4 test yaml_parse_file_002.phpt fails (andypost)
- emit.c: fix -Wsign-compare (bd808)
- #75: yaml_parse_file does not set &$ndoc as expected (tomterl)
- Fix [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] warning (remicollet)

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Dependencies for release 2.2.4
PHP Version: PHP 7.1.0 or newer
PEAR Package: PEAR 1.4.0b1 or newer
PHP Extension: date
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