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Top Level :: Benchmarking :: datadog_trace :: 0.88.0

datadog_trace 0.88.0

Package Information
Summary APM and distributed tracing for PHP
Maintainers Joe Watkins (lead) [details]
Alejandro Estringana Ruiz (lead) [details]
Luca Abbati < luca dot abbati at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Levi Morrison < levim at php dot net > (lead) [details]
Bob Weinand < bobwei9 at hotmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Anil Mahtani (lead) [details]
Pierre Bonet (lead) [details]
Florian Engelhardt (lead) [details]
License BSD 3-Clause
Description The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.
Homepage https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/languages/php/
Release notes
Version 0.88.0
### Added
- Add support for environment variable syntax to config mode in datadog-setup.php #2050

### Changed
- Use span links in the RabbitMQ Integration #2092
- Disable root span generation and removes orphans for Laravel Horizon #2091

### Fixed
- datadog-setup.php: remove return types for compatibility with PHP 5 #2059 Thanks @dserodio!
- Work around fiber->execute_data only being correct upon yielding #2072
- Skip error assignment on the root span for 5xx errors that shouldn't be reported #2089
- Ensure no crashes happen with multiple observers installed #2093
- Fix incorrect offset access in Laminas Integration #2094

### Internal Changes
- build: delete unused C components #2055
- build: bump cmake and catch2 versions #2056
- build: reduce Laravel queues' tests flakiness #2057
- testing: add snapshot testing #2058
- build: pin guzzlehttp/promises to ^1.5.3 #2071
- Update removed methods used in Guzzle V6 & V7 test suites #2073
- build: drop now-unused uuid component #2096
- Prepare instrumentation telemetry #2029, #2086, #2099
- build: Add rebuild with ASAN section to randomized tests README.md #2084

## Profiling
Allocation profiling is now enabled by default. You can manage it using the `DD_PROFILING_ALLOCATION_ENABLED` environment variable or the `datadog.profiling.allocation_enabled` setting in the INI file. Although the `DD_PROFILING_EXPERIMENTAL_ALLOCATION_ENABLED` environment variable and `datadog.profiling.experimental_allocation_enabled` INI setting still work, the new ones take precedence.

### Added
- GA allocation profiling #2038
- disable allocation profiling if JIT is enabled #2088

### Fixed
- fixed segfault in test suite #2077

### Internal changes
- move allocation profiling to its own module #2090

## Application Security Management (0.9.0)

### Fixed
- Use /proc/self/fd to avoid rlimit iteration starvation DataDog/dd-appsec-php#265

### Internal changes
- Update ruleset to 1.7.1 and libddwaf to 1.11.0 DataDog/dd-appsec-php#267
- Update fuzzer corpus DataDog/dd-appsec-php#268

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