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Top Level :: Benchmarking :: datadog_trace :: 0.10.0

datadog_trace 0.10.0

Package Information
Summary APM and distributed tracing for PHP
Maintainers Alejandro Estringana Ruiz (lead) [details]
Luca Abbati < luca dot abbati at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Levi Morrison < levim at php dot net > (lead) [details]
Bob Weinand < bobwei9 at hotmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Anil Mahtani (lead) [details]
Pierre Bonet (lead) [details]
Florian Engelhardt (lead) [details]
Luc Vieillescazes (lead) [details]
License BSD 3-Clause
Description The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.
Homepage https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/languages/php/
Release notes
Version 0.10.0

Refer to the migration guide (/UPGRADE-0.10.md) for a detailed description.

At an high level here are the breaking changes we introduced:

- We removed OpenTracing as a required dependency. We still support OpenTracing, so you can do `OpenTracing\GlobalTracer::get()` in your code and still retrieve a OpenTracing compliant tracer, but OpenTracing dependency is now optional.
- We introduced auto-instrumentation and 1-step installation in place of manual registration of providers/bundles. Before, in order to see traces, you had to install our extension, add two dependencies to the composer file and add a provider (Laravel) or a bundle (Symfony). Starting from now you will only have to install the extension. You still have freedom to manually instrument the code, but only for advanced usage.

### Added
- Request init hook configuration allowing running arbitrary code before actual request execution #175
- Support OpenTracing without depending on it #193
- Initial C extension PHP 5.4 support #205
- Removal of external dependencies to support auto-instrumentation #206
- Migration from namespace based constants to class based constants for tags, formats and types #207
- Track integration loading to avoid re-loading unnecessary ones #211
- Documenting release steps #223
- Ability to run web framework tests in external web server #232
- Support for auto-instrumentation #237
- Support for Zend Framework 1 #238
- `Tracer::startRootSpan()` to track the root `Scope` instance which can be accessed with `Tracer::getRootScope()` #241

### Fixed
- The INI settings now appear in `phpinfo()` and when running `$ php -i` #242

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Dependencies for release 0.10.0
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