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Top Level :: PHP :: BLENC :: 1.1.3b :: Windows

BLENC 1.1.3b for Windows

This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page.
Package Information
Summary BLowfish ENCryption for PHP Scripts
Maintainers John Coggeshall < john at php dot net > (lead) [details]
Giuseppe Chiesa (lead) [details]
License PHP
Description BLENC is an extension that permit to protect PHP source scripts with Blowfish Encription.
BLENC hooks into the Zend Engine, allowing for transparent execution of PHP scripts previously encoded with BLENC.
It is not designed for complete security (it is still possible to disassemble the script into op codes using a package such as XDebug), however it does keep people out of your code and make reverse engineering difficult.
Homepage http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.blenc.php
Release notes
Version 1.1.3b
New package.xml description, BLENC now display version in phpinfo.
DLL List
PHP 5.5 5.5 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
5.5 Thread Safe (TS) x64
5.5 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
5.5 Thread Safe (TS) x86
PHP 5.4 5.4 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
5.4 Thread Safe (TS) x86
PHP 5.3 5.3 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
5.3 Thread Safe (TS) x86

In case of missing DLLs, consider to contact the Windows Internals List (subscribe first).

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Dependencies for release 1.1.3b
PHP Version: PHP 4.3.0 or newer
PEAR Package: PEAR 1.4.0b1 or newer
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