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Changelog for maxminddb
Release What has changed?
1.12.0 * Improve the error handling when the user tries to open a directory
with the pure PHP reader.
* Improve the typehints on arrays in the PHPDocs.
1.11.1 * Resolve warnings when compiling the C extension.
* Fix various type issues detected by PHPStan level. Pull request by
LauraTaylorUK. GitHub #160.
1.11.0 * Replace runtime define of a constant to facilitate opcache preloading.
Reported by vedadkajtaz. GitHub #134.
* Resolve minor issue found by the Clang static analyzer in the C
1.10.1 * Fix a `TypeError` exception in the pure PHP reader when using large
databases on 32-bit PHP builds with the `bcmath` extension. Reported
by dodo1708. GitHub #124.
1.10.0 * When using the pure PHP reader, unsigned integers up to PHP_MAX_INT
will now be integers in PHP rather than strings. Previously integers
greater than 2^24 on 32-bit platforms and 2^56 on 64-bit platforms
would be strings due to the use of `gmp` or `bcmath` to decode them.
Reported by Alejandro Celaya. GitHub #119.
1.9.0 * The `maxminddb` extension is now buildable on Windows. Pull request
by Jan Ehrhardt. GitHub #115.
1.8.0 * Fixes for PHP 8.0. Pull Request by Remi Collet. GitHub #108.


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