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Changelog for SeasLog
Release What has changed?
2.2.0 - Support PHP8
- Support s390x and mips64 platform
- Fixed ulong conflicting
- Fixed test case dependence on INI setting (seaslog.default_template)
- Fixed memory leak on `get_code_filename_line`
2.1.0 - Support PHP7.4
- Support getBufferCount function and modify flushBuffer function.
- Support `%B` in log template, support BasePath.
- Enhancement trim_wrap.
- Fixed issue #265.
- Fixed bug trace_performance core dump by performance_frames init.
- Fixed ignore php errors before module initialized.
- Fixed php-stream use update in php7.
- Fixed can`t append to file after stream changed in php7.
2.0.2 - Fixed issue #175 support trace_performance automatic logging.
- Fixed `%C` in log template, support Class::Action.
1.9.1 - Fixed issue #249 add unit test and fixed setLogger bug.
- Fixed build error with mac osx.
1.9.0 - New Feature #240 add SeasLog::setRequestVariable(key,value).
- New Feature #243 support first parameter use array, such as SeasLog::debug(array).
- Fixed issue #110 support New SeasLog().
- Fixed issue #234 #236 SeasLog::analyzerDetail function bug.
- Fixed issue #245 add unit test to analyzerCount and analyzerDetail.
1.8.6 - New Feature Add log message collection recommendations docs.
- New Feature Add bench_mark.php
- New Feature #218 add SeasLog::closeLoggerStream()
- Fixed check_log_level:log level should lower than setting 'seaslog.level'
- Fixed core dump in phpdbg.
- Fixed smtp_secure and smtp_mailer.
- Fixed issue #125 #203 Add seaslog.buffer_disabled_in_cli to config, default false.
- Fixed issue #196 php5.3.x undefined symbol: expand_filepath_with_mode.
- Fixed issue #195 rsyslog recive log with RFC5424.
- Fixed issue #200 error warning when tcp/udp error.
- Fixed issue #202 Add unit tests.
- Fixed issue #210 add seaslog.remote_timeout to config, default 1 second.
- Fixed issue #215 analyzerCount error.
- Fixed issue #228 analyzerDetail error.
1.8.4 - New Feature #162 Configure seaslog.recall_depth support for filename and code line.
- New Feature #170 Configure seaslog.trace_notice and seaslog.trace_warning support trace notice and warning.
- New Feature #172 Configure seaslog.disting_folder support switch {Logger}/{Time}[.Type].log or {Logger}_{Time}[.Type].log.
- New Feature #174 Add %U(MemoryUsage) and %u(PeakMemoryUsage) into default variable table.
- New Feature #186 Use seaslog_throw_exception replace zend_error.
- Fixed issue #65 Message template content match error.
- Fixed issue #153 Disting_by_hour and disting_type can not use together.
- Fixed issue #156 Log template format error with %L and %M.
- Fixed issue #158 SeasLog::setRequestID intercepted error.
- Fixed issue #165 Phpdbg seg fault.
- Fixed issue #184 SeasLog::analyzerCount seg fault at PHP7-nts.
- Fixed issue #181 Perfect when stream's connection was broken.
1.7.6 - Fixed analyzerDetail bug, use grep -ai key_words.
- Fixed issue #152. Segfault in cli.
1.7.5 - Update license from Apache License 2.0 to PHP License 3.01.
- Support send to Rsyslog(TCP/UDP) with RFC5424.
- Support RequestId differentiated requests to fixed issue #134.
- Support for log template customizations to fixed issue #12 #143.
- Update SeasLog Analyzer scripts version to 1.1.0, to fixed issue #139.
- Optimization of analyzerCount and analyzerDetail to fixed issue #133.
- Fixed issue #138. Error by file exists.
- Fixed issue #140. Error by setDatetimeFormat.
- Fixed issue #142. Error by too many open files.
- Fixed issue #144. Error by read log detail order desc.
- Fixed issue #145. Error by analyzerDetail.
- Fixed issue #146. Segfault at php-fpm.
1.6.9 - Fixed issue #113 setBastPath.
- Fixed PHP --re seaslog result.
1.6.8 - Fixed issue #100 #102 #103 memory leak.
- Fixed Dir chmod 0755 and File chmod 0666.
1.6.2 - Fixed issue #97 PHP5.* Cached Block.
- Fixed issue #98 SeasLog::analyzerDetail(NULL).
1.6.0 - Fixed issue #90 #92 Date format.
- Fixed issue #96 Clear memory leaks.
- Fixed issue #91 Support TCP UDP appender.
- Support appender with config, switch File TCP UDP; config the remote_host and remote_port.
1.5.6 - Fixed issue #76 #80 #86 Fixed segment fault with PHP7.
- Make memory usage more stable, and clear memory leaks with PHP5.* and PHP7.*.
1.5.3 - Fixed zval_ptr_dtor bug with PHP7.
- Fixed issue #68 Fixed _ to . with getDetail function.
- Fixed issue #73 Fixed segment fault with setBasePath function.
- Support Datetime Format Config.
1.5.0 - Support PHP 7.
- Fixed issue #63 Fixed trace_exception and trace_error recovery;
1.4.8 - Fixed issue #60 Fixed use_buffer and buffer_size in config error;
- Fixed issue #61 Fixed trace_exception where exception code get error.
1.4.6 - Fixed issue #52 update README fixed SEASLOG_ERRO and company list from.
- Fixed issue #53 Add function flushBuffer,support independent refresh by manual.
- Fixed issue #57 and #58 Update analyzerDetail by desc and fixed limit value.
1.4.4 - Fixed issue #50 Fix error and exception hook dead loop.
- Fixed support windows with new version.
- Fixed trace_error default enable and trace_exception default disable.
1.4.2 - Fixed issue #47 support trace_error and trace_exception switch.
- Fixed issue #48 Ignore notice or warning, but error automatic logging.
1.4.0 - Fixed issue #42 support error and exception automatic logging.
- Optimization performance, update is_dir with access.
1.2.3 - Fixed issue #44 Seaslog::analyzerDetail([with out 'all'])
1.2.2 - Fixed Logger bug with PHP-Version -ge 5.4
- Fixed SeasLog::log('level','message','content',['logger']) bug
- Support SeasLog::analyzerDetail("all")
- Support SeasLog::analyzerCount("all")
1.2.0 - Fixed SeasLog::analyzerDetail() function compatible with MAC
- Fixed memory leak
- Support windows
1.1.8 - Fixed init config error with ZTS
- Fixed SeasLog::analyzerDetail() function compatible with CentOS
1.1.6 - Fixed SeasLog::analyzerCount() function add query by key_word
- Fixed SeasLog::analyzerDetail() function add query by key_word,paging by start,limit
1.1.4 - Define some function at header for C99 Standard
- Remove some superfluous comment
- Fixed SeasLog::log() function warning
- Fixed config "seaslog.level = 0" in Readme
1.1.0 - fixed Mac under the compiler error
- Buffer optimization methods, improve operation efficiency
- Optimization of the internal structure, concurrent fault
1.0.2 - Add buffer_size config bar,when buffer_size full will write log
- Code format remove tab to 4space
1.0.0 - First version for pecl.net


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Last updated: Thu Mar 21 17:05:02 2024 UTC
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