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Top Level :: Structures :: teds :: 0.5.1 :: Windows

teds 0.5.1 for Windows

Package Information
Summary Provides extra data structures and iterable/array functionality.
Maintainers Tyson Andre (lead) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Description teds (Tentative Extra Data Structures) is a collection of data structures and iterable functionality
Homepage https://github.com/TysonAndre/pecl-teds
Release notes
Version 0.5.1
* Add Teds\array_value_first(), Teds\array_value_last()
* Add `Teds\stable_compare($v1, $v2): int` for a stable comparison function of arbitrary values. (see tests/misc/stable_compare.phpt).
Like strcmp, this returns a negative value for less than, and positive for greater than, and 0 for equality.
Note that php's `<` operator is not stable. `'10' < '0a' < '1b' < '9' < '10'`.
stable_compare fixes that by strictly ordering:
`null < false < true < int,float < string < array < object < resource`.
(objects and resources are compared by id, and arrays are compared recursively. Numbers are compared numerically. If an int is equal to a float, then the int is first)
(strings use strcmp)
* Make Deque iteration account for calls to shift/unshift tracking the position of the front of the Deque.
Calls to shift/unshift will do the following:
- Increase/Decrease the value returned by the iterator's key() by the number of elements added/removed to/from the front of the Deque. (`$deque[$iteratorKey] === $iteratorValue` at the time the key and value are returned).
- Repeated calls to shift will cause valid() to return false if the iterator's position ends up before the start of the Deque at the time iteration resumes.
- They will not cause the remaining values to be iterated over more than once or skipped.
DLL List
PHP 8.1 8.1 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
8.1 Thread Safe (TS) x64
8.1 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
8.1 Thread Safe (TS) x86
PHP 8.0 8.0 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
8.0 Thread Safe (TS) x64
8.0 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
8.0 Thread Safe (TS) x86

In case of missing DLLs, consider to contact the Windows Internals List (subscribe first).

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Dependencies for release 0.5.1
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