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Top Level :: Database :: couchbase :: 4.2.1 :: Windows

couchbase 4.2.1 for Windows

Package Information
Summary Couchbase Server PHP extension
Maintainers Sergey Avseyev < sergey dot avseyev at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
License Apache V2
Description The PHP client library provides fast access to documents stored in a Couchbase Server.
Homepage https://docs.couchbase.com/php-sdk/current/project-docs/sdk-release-notes.html
Release notes
Version 4.2.1

* PCBC-987: Fix consistency vector encoding for FTS (#163)
* PCBC-985: Use system DNS config by default, and disable DNS-SRV if
system does not provide DNS server. (#159)


* PCBC-859: Update build scripts and instructions for Windows (#158, #164)
* PCBC-984, PCBC-987: Improve compatiblity with pcntl_fork() (#157, #162)

Notable changes in core C++


## Enhancements

* CXXCBC-489: Support scoped eventing functions. (#548)
* CXXCBC-489: Add `version_7_2_0 eventing` function language compatibility. (#554)
* CXXCBC-470: Distinguish between 'unset' and 'off' query_profile (#551)

## Fixes

* CXXCBC-487: Check if alternate addressing is used when bootstrapping. (#545)
* CXXCBC-503: Ignore configuration if it contains an empty vBucketMap. (#556, #558)
* CXXCBC-30: Inconsistent behaviour when using subdoc opcodes incorrectly (#559)
* CXXCBC-492: Use retry strategy in collections_component's get_collection_id. (#552)
* CXXCBC-494: Fix memory issue in range scan implementation. (#549)
* Always attempt to extract common query code if error has not been
set. (#561) Fixes quota/rate limit checks for older servers.

## Build and Tests Fixes

* CXXCBC-502: Apply `/bigobj` for SDK objects only. (#550) Avoid using
global add_definitions() as it might leak to non-CXX languages (like
`ASM_NASM` on Windows).
* Add feature check for scoped analyze_document in tests (#555)
DLL List
PHP 8.3 8.3 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
8.3 Thread Safe (TS) x64
8.3 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
8.3 Thread Safe (TS) x86
PHP 8.2 8.2 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
8.2 Thread Safe (TS) x64
8.2 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
8.2 Thread Safe (TS) x86
PHP 8.1 8.1 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
8.1 Thread Safe (TS) x64
8.1 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
8.1 Thread Safe (TS) x86

In case of missing DLLs, consider to contact the Windows Internals List (subscribe first).

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Dependencies for release 4.2.1
PHP Version: PHP 8.1.0 or newer
PEAR Package: PEAR 1.10.1 or newer
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