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Top Level :: Database :: mongo :: 1.2.11

mongo 1.2.11

This package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded by mongodb.
Package Information
Summary MongoDB database driver
Maintainers Jeremy Mikola (lead) [details]
Derick Rethans < derick at php dot net > (lead) [wishlist] [details]
Hannes Magnusson < bjori at php dot net > (lead) [details]
License Apache License
Description This package provides an interface for communicating with the MongoDB database in PHP.
Homepage http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/php/
Release notes
Version 1.2.11
** Bug
* [PHP-207] - setSlaveOkay not supported for GridFS queries
* [PHP-266] - segfault when connection string refers to unknown replica set member
* [PHP-269] - Mongo::__construct should only throw MongoConnectionException
* [PHP-331] - PHP segfaults when master changes
* [PHP-339] - Seg fault on insert timeout
* [PHP-359] - getPID() does not return expected PID when called on custom MongoID object
* [PHP-368] - uploadDate is missing in the file property of the MongoGridFSFile class.
* [PHP-369] - GridFS segfaults when iterating with an _id field set in the result object
* [PHP-372] - Error codes not being passed to MongoGridFSException
* [PHP-382] - When 'replicaSet' option is used, authentication calls are being sent to the arbiter server
* [PHP-384] - Segfault for GridFS with long_as_object option
* [PHP-388] - Cursors don't get closed after limit() is exhausted
* [PHP-391] - The driver crashes when there are more than FD_SETSIZE open file descriptors.
* [PHP-392] - Arbiter in the seed list acts wonky
* [PHP-394] - Crashes & mem leaks
* [PHP-397] - Endless loop on non-existing file
* [PHP-402] - MongoCollection::validate(true) doesn't set the correct scan-all flag.
* [PHP-408] - MongoBinData custom type is returned as -128
* [PHP-413] - Authentication with wrong password.. prints the password!
* [PHP-417] - MongoDBRef::isRef() returns null in some cases it should return false
* [PHP-420] - MongoDB::drop() doesn't warn about arguments
* [PHP-431] - PHP driver throws tons of NOTICE messages
* [PHP-434] - Mongo::connect() doesn't validate the object
* [PHP-435] - 1.2.11 doesn't build with PHP5.2

** Improvement
* [PHP-389] - Support setting query flags (opts)
* [PHP-428] - Coverage statistics
* [PHP-430] - Deprecate "old ways" which will be removed in 2.0.0

** Task
* [PHP-405] - Migrate PHPUnit tests to phpt

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