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Changelog for mysql_xdevapi
Release What has changed?
8.0.30 Release
8.0.29 Release
8.0.28 Release
8.0.27 Release
8.0.26 Release
8.0.25 Release
8.0.24 Release
8.0.23 WL#14014: XProtocol: Support connection close notification
WL#14228: Replace language in APIs and source code/docs
orabug #30134451: mysqlndx replace raw zval with improved zvalue where possible
orabug #31589457: change default engine from MyISAM to InnoDB
8.0.22 WL#14012: XProtocol -- support for configurable compression algorithms
orabug #31364076: mysqlndx switch from C++14 to C++17, and all related
orabug #31414039: mysqlndx apply std::string_view, remove MYSQLND_CSTRING
orabug #30084547: improve zval wrapper
orabug #31678047: prepared statements tests fail with the newest server
orabug #31958145: some secure connection / TLS tests fail on el8-x86-64bit
8.0.21 WL#13014 DevAPI: Add schema validation to create collection
orabug #30134490: apply helpers from util/object.h
orabug #31084747: single doc tests failing in php-7.4
changes in config.m4|w32 to improve resolving 3rdParty libs
8.0.20 WL#13001 DevAPI: Connection compression
orabug #30864458: some methods should not be reported as deprecated anymore
8.0.19 WL#13541: Fix admin command namespace usage
WL#13398 DNS SRV support
8.0.18 WL#12732: DevAPI: Specify TLS ciphers to be used by a client or session
orabug #29421446: fixes for secure connections
orabug #30226250: some of Collection.Modify ops don't support JSON documents properly
orabug #30093227: mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFind::fields() path fails when ends in number
orabug #30226232: incorrect behaviour of chained CRUD ops in webserver mode
orabug #30258670: CollectionModify.arrayInsert vs bind: cannot use bindings for arrayInsert
orabug #30088118: clean up XSession leavings
orabug #30088150: remove messages
orabug #30084547: improve zval wrapper
orabug #29998874: fix tests to pass with default auth_plugin=caching_sha2_password
orabug #30096952: add support for building in static mode
orabug #30084593: get rid of vim "decorators"
fixes for building with PHP-7.4+
8.0.17 WL#12190-DevAPI: indexing array fields
WL#12683-DevAPI: Add overlaps and not_overlaps as operator
WL#13012: Deprecate methods
WL#11852: erase temporary protobuf files at 'make clean' step
orabug #28605926: unclear _id related messages with 5.7
adapt sources to build with PHP-7.4
8.0.16 WL#9879: Prepared statement support
WL#11983: Support session-connect-attributes
WL#12396: Support new session reset functionality
orabug #28802543: classes: Driver, ExecutionStatus, Expression, and Statement
orabug #28803208: the DocResult prototype appear wrong
orabug #28803039: the fields() method seems odd
orabug #28805757: how exactly are set() and replace() different?
8.0.15 This release contains no functional changes and is published to align
version number with the MySQL Server 8.0.15 release.
8.0.14 WL#12593: DevAPI: Handling of Default Schema
WL#12457: Be prepared for initial notice on connection
WL#12291: automagically resolve path to preferred version of boost on pb2
orabug #28803092 the offset() method requires limit()
orabug #28802524 always use sql()->execute() instead of executeSql()
orabug #27441854 fetchAll should return an empty array when the result is empty, not (bool)false
orabug #28804413 containers methods
orabug #28802453 TableDelete: offset does not seem useful
orabug #29011588 execute more than once for crud ops with bind causes crash at releasing
orabug #28605347 CollectionFind::offset() without limit() error is unclear
orabug #28803201 FieldMetadata and ColumnResult are returning different information about columns
orabug #28804447 remove client functions
orabug #28802551 Collection::createIndex() create an index on multiple fields
orabug #28804461 ensure groupBy() functionality
orabug #28838435 PHPT tests - make checking results more precise
8.0.13 WL#11956: Implement connection pooling for xprotocol
WL#12189: Implement connect timeout
WL#12428: Adding support for chained adds
WL#12435: Returning the proper values
WL#12280: connection error handling - throw an exception
WL#11851: enable treat warning as error
WL#11853: check available boost version
WL#12276: Expose metadata about source and binaries in unified way
8.0.12 WL#11957: DevAPI, Core v1 Alignment
WL#11955: Increase coverage
refactorings: WL#11960, WL#11945, WL#11949, WL#11947, WL#11854
8.0.11 WL#11591-DevAPI: Add SHA256_MEMORY support
WL#11390-DevAPI: New document _id generation support
WL#11242-Support locking modes: NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED
refactoring: reference counting, clear warnings
8.0.4 WL#9898-Driver: Extended Authentication support (incl. SHA256)
WL#10089-DevAPI: Cleanup Drop APIs
WL#9876-DevAPI: Collection.createIndex
WL#11301-Remove CreateTable and CreateView
WL#10725-DevAPI: Modify/MergePatch
WL#10868-DevAPI: transaction save-points
WL#11340-Remove configuration API
8.0.3 WL-10875: DevAPI: Array or Object "contains" operator
WL-10640 / 10876: DevAPI: getOne, removeOne, replaceOne, addOrReplaceOne
WL-10641/10877 DevAPI: Row locking for Crud.Find / Table.Select
server 8.x support, fixes for phpize build
8.0.2 WL10393/10097 DevAPI: Table.createTable
MY-235: Configuration handling interface
WL-10402 Ensure all connectors are secure by default
WL10627 / 10728 Forbid modify() and remove() with no condition
WL-10089/10392 DevAPI: Cleanup Drop APIs
WL-10390: DevAPI, Document UUID generation
WL-10506: Bugs and Clarifications
1.0.1 - Added support for View DDL
- Added support for X DevAPI unified connection string
- Added support for Unix Domain Sockets
- Added table.isView()
- Added Core TLS/SSLL options
- Internal refacotoring
- Fixed a few bugs
1.0.0 Initial release


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